I'm writing to share important news about the Little Rock Scholarship program. The program enables the brightest students from Kibera to attend Kenya’s top secondary schools and provides the opportunity to continue their studies at the university level. Well over 90% of students have successfully graduated high school and the vast majority have qualified to attend colleges and universities. Their lives are forever changed, and the positive ripple effects will impact lives for generations to come.
Faith Amondi
Little Rock Scholarship HS graduate
Despite that success, the EPN Board has decided to phase out the program. It’s a decision we did not come to lightly. EPN has always focused on creating the greatest impact for the most people. As wonderful as the Little Rock Scholarship Program has been, the agricultural training center we are building in Niger has the potential to impact 100-times more lives! With the powerful leverage from “training-the-trainers,” we can help hundreds of thousands of Niger’s rural poor.
Dov Center Main Gate Entrance
We stopped awarding new Little Rock Scholarships in 2020 but continue to support all students currently on scholarship to the end of their high school years. Our last cohort will complete their studies in 2023 at which point the program will officially close.
The Little Rock Scholarship Program has been a wonderful success. And with the creation of The Dov Center we look forward to eliminating poverty for even larger numbers of Africa’s extreme poor in the future.